Plot: Inspired by the "superhero movie within the movie" finale of the movie Disney's Chicken Little: Ace in Action features Ace the superhero alter ego of Chicken Little and the Hollywood versions of his misfit band of friends: Runt Abby and Fish-Out-of-Water. The crew of the intergalactic Battle Barn faces off against Foxy Loxy and her evil Amazonian sidekick Goosey Loosey who have an evil plan to take over Earth. Battle evil alien robots through multiple levels across the solar system and combat your foes in one of three distinct game play modes: Ace on foot as a soldier Runt as the driver of an armored tank or Abby as the pilot of a spaceship. The original Chicken Little and his friends Abby Runt and Fish we know from the film are featured in cut scenes throughout the game. Four new dynamic worlds to explore - Pluto, Saturn, Mars, the Moon, Unique modes of game play - Ace on foot as a soldier, Runt as a tank commander, and Abby as the pilot of a spaceship and hovercraft, 24 mission thrill ride across the solar system with Ace, Runt and Abby taking turns blasting the bad guys, Two person multi-player mode for tank and spaceship levels. 021719-021719P-VG1
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