The Fire Djinn Portal Stone is from our elite collection! Only one will be ever offered here up for sale.


This portal stone contains the spiritual essence and powers of 5000 Fire Djinns. They are special and rare entities and able to manipulate fire easily.

Just by holding the portal stone will send intense energy and heat wawes into your hands. When you say the included word of power, they will manifest to you in a special way, such as a fire orb or in a candle's flame. They will present themselves to you and offer you their services, teachings, advice, guidance and friendship.

An incredibly powerful Soul Bond will be formed between you and the 5000 Fire Djinns. It will last for all eternity and they will be your eternal friends, allies and teachers. They are friendly and benevolent entities, never harm you in any way.

The portal stone acts as a perfect spiritual gate and vortex. You will be able to astral project and visit them in their native plane. The place, where you put the portal stone will take on the spiritual essence and powers of their native plane over time and you will be able to use it in your spells and rituals.

They will also create an eternal fire shield around your mind, body and soul; that will prevent all kinds of injury, illness, disease, bad luck, black magic attack, hex, curse, slander, etc. It won't allow any negativity through to touch you.

They wish to teach you their special fire magic to fulfill your desires. They are excellent in wish granting.

Do you feel a connection to this Portal Stone? Do you wish to work with the 5000 Fire Djinns to fulfill your desires?

No bonding ritual is necessary. Just by holding it in your hands and saying the special word of power, you will be able to bond with the Fire Djinns.

Their names, full powers, etc. will be provided to the worthy Keeper.


The new user of this Portal Stone will obtain...

Fire Magic

Fire Manipulation

Astral Projection

Overall Good Health

Long Life

Immunity Against Illnesses And Diseases

Open Third Eye

Ability To Clearly See And Hear Spiritual Entities

Fire Shield

Increased Psychic Powers

Mind Control



Astral Time Travel


Increased Sexual Power

Super Intelligence

Enchanced Chairsma And Vitality

Mind Reading

Energy Absorption

Reality Manipulation

And Much More...


We will also send you with this portal stone two spellcast candles, spellcast incense, channeling stone, arcane elixir, sigil scroll and a charging box.