Mr. and Mrs. North was a radio mystery series that aired on NBC and CBS from 1942 to 1954. Alice Frost and Joseph Curtin had the title roles when the series began in 1942. The characters, publisher Jerry North and his wife Pam, lived in Greenwich Village at 24 St. Anne's Flat. This ordinary couple stumbled across a murder or two every week for 12 years. Jerry North is a successful book publisher, married to the beautiful and resourceful Pam. This glamours duo is just as comfortable hosting dinner parties or investigating murders. Each week Pam and Jerry found themselves smack in the middle of blood stains and dead bodies, and they always solve the most complicated cases. This collection includes sixteen original network broadcast from the 1940s - the 1950s.
The Contagious Confession - 9-22-43
Literary Murder - 1-26-44
The Mistaken Countess - 2-2-44
The Milkman’s Ring - 7-15-44
Call Me a Choo Choo - 12-9-44
Who Killed Mr. Stefano - 12-5-50
The Premature Corpse - 2-12-52
The Heavenly Body - 3-4-52
Murder Mismanaged - 3-18-52
Death in the Dark - 3-25-52