Released February 13, 1955: Police Lieutenant Leonard Diamond wants to arrest the biggest gangster in the city, and the gangster's girlfriend is the key to putting the big boss in prison.

Genre: Crime

Duration: 1h 27min

Director: Joseph H. Lewis

Actors: Cornel Wilde (Police Leutenant Leonard Diamond), Jean Wallace (Susan Lowell), Richard Conte (Mr. Brown), Brian Donlevy (Joe McClure), Lee Van Cleef (henchman Fante), Robert Middleton (Police Captain Peterson), Earl Holliman (henchman Mingo), Helen Walker (Alicia Brown), Jay Adler (Police Detective Sam Hill, Diamond's partner), John Hoyt (Nils Dreyer), Ted de Corsia (Ralph Bettini), Helene Stanton (Rita), Roy Gordon (Audubon), and Steve Mitchell (Bennie Smith, the boxer), Baynes Barron (young detective), James McCallion (Frank the lab technician), Tony Michaels (the photo technician), Brian O'Hara (Attorney Malloy), Rita Gould (nurse), Bruce Sharpe (detective), Michael Mark (Fred, hotel clerk), Donna Drew (Miss Hartleby), Eve Bernhardt (cabaret showgirl), Jack Chefe (waiter), James Conaty (dance extra at the club), Jakob Gimpel (pianist), Herbert Lytton (waiter)

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