Swing Hostess
Released June September 8, 1944: Martha Tilton was the lead singer for Benny Goodman, and in this swing time drama she is a singer that gets discovered by a famous band leader.
Directed by: Sam Newfield
Written by: Louise Rousseau and Gail Davenport
The Actors: Martha Tilton Judy Alvin, Iris Adrian Marge O'Day, Charles Collins Benny Jackson, Cliff Nazarro Bobo, Harry Holman Fralick, President of United Recording Company, Emmett Lynn Blodgett, Betty Brodel Phoebe Forbes, Claire Rochelle Fralick's secretary Miss Smith, Paul Porcasi Spumoni, owner of the Tropics Nightclub, Terry Frost Hank, recording engineer, Philip Van Zandt Merlini the magician, Earle Bruce Joe Sweeney, Bob Gooding first Butch, specialty act, Walter Pietila second Butch, specialty act, Gene Windson third Butch, specialty act, Dave White Chick, Chick and Chuck dance team, John Evans Chuck, Chick and Chuck dance team
Runtime: 1h 16min
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