Released on August 5, 1940: This old movie shows us that quick weight loss was a desire of women even in the 1940's, as Dr. Christian exposes a charlatan professor with a miracle diet pill.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 8min

Director: William C. McGann

Actors: Jean Hersholt (Dorothy Lovett (Judy Price), Edgar Kennedy (George Browning), Rod La Rocque (Professor Kenneth Parker), Frank Albertson (Bill Ferris), Lynn Merrick (Kitty Browning), Maude Eburne (Mrs. Hastings), Veda Ann Borg (Carol Compton), Lelah Tyler (Martha Browning), William Gould (Dr. Webster), Phyllis Kennedy (Annie the maid) Bertha Priestley (Alice Mason), Diedra Vale (Gladys Mason) Heinie Conklin (Ed the plumber) Dorothy Adams (the indigent woman), Phil Arnold (the train conductor), Julie Carter (bit part) Grace Hayle (Tom's wife), Lafe McKee (Grandpa) Lee Shumway (Chris)

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