Released on December 11, 1953: Six years after World War Two, an American soldier returns to renew a friendship with a lady he met while stationed in London.
Genre: Crime
Duration: 1h 16min
Director: Cy Endfield
Actors: Lloyd Bridges (Frank Prior), Moira Lister (Pauline French, actress), Alan Wheatley (Scotland Yard Police Inspector Braddock), Leslie Phillips (Scotland Yard Police Detective Jim Cameron), Helene Cordet (Helene Castle, singer), Bruce Beeby (Kendall Brown), Andre Van Gyseghem (stage door keeper), Tom Gill (stage manager), Lionel Blair (the dancer on the piano), Robert Harbin (the magician), Charles Bottrill (the xylophonist), Rachel Roberts (barmaid at the Spread Eagle Pub), Verne Morgan (Henry Stone, taxi driver), Raymond Rollett (Jonas, Spread Eagle pub owner), Irissa Cooper (Pauline French's maid), Maxwell Gardner (airport official), Jon Evans (police scientist), Olive Lucius (television hostess), Marjorie Hume (the landlady), Jean Marsh (the landlady's daughter), Louise Cordet (young girl watching television), Max Boisot (young boy watching television)
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