The Green Promise
Released on March 22, 1949: The story of a farmer that refuses to modernize his farm and his daughter, who is expected to stay on the farm and help dad instead of marrying the boy she loves.
Directed by: William D. Russell
Written by: Monte Collins.
The Actors: Marguerite Chapman Deborah Matthews, Walter Brennan Mr. Matthews, Natalie Wood Susan Matthews, Robert Paige David Barkley, Ted Donaldson Phineas Matthews, Connie Marshall Abigail Matthews, Robert Ellis Buzz Wexford, Jeanne LaDuke Jessie Wexford, Irving Bacon Julius Larkins, Milburn Stone Reverend Benton, Geraldine Wall Mrs. Wexford, Sam Flint Dr. Pomeroy, Lee Phelps land owner with the loggers, Dick Wessel Mr. Clairborne, Will Wright Mr. Grenstedt the banker.
Runtime: 1h 33min
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