Released February 18, 1936: When a wealthy uncle is murdered, a young police detective and a retired cop work together to solve the mystery.
Genre: Comedy
Duration: 1h 4min
Director: Charles Lamont
Actors: Ray Walker (Jim Landis), Berton Churchill (Paul Bernard), Irene Ware (Elsa Carson), Hobart Bosworth (Charles Carson), Hedda Hopper (Aunt Marian Tallman), E.E. Clive (Foot the butler), Harold Goodwin (Peter Blake, chemist), William V. Mong (Henry Carson), Michael Mark (Arthur Bell), John St. Polis (Dr. Munro), Miki Morita (Chong, Mrs. Tallman's servant), Aggie Herring (Mrs. Dubbin the cook), Rose Allen (Mrs. Murphy, the housekeeper), Fred Kelsey (Detective Bruce), Charles McAvoy (policeman at the tenement fire), Kathryn Sheldon (Helen Smith, Carson housemaid), Harry Strang (policeman), Lloyd Whitlock (Mr. Watson)
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