Released on November 1, 1947: Shirley Temple is the Hagen girl, and gossip has it that she is the illigitimate child from a teenage night of passion.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 23min

Director: Peter Godfrey

Actors: Ronald Reagan (Tom Bates), Shirley Temple (May Hagen), Rory Calhoun (Ken Freneau), Lois Maxwell (Julia Kane), Dorothy Peterson (Minta Hagen), Charles Kemper (Jim Hagen), Conrad Janis (Dewey Koons), Penny Edwards (Christine Delaney), Jean Porter (Sharon Bailey), Harry Davenport (Judge Merrivale), Nella Walker (Molly Freneau), Winifred Harris (Selma Delaney), Moroni Olsen (Trenton Gateley), Frank Conroy (Doctor Stone), Kathryn Card (Miss Grover), Douglas Kennedy (Herb Delaney), Barbara Brown (Lorna Gateley), Tom Fadden (village loafer), Florence Allen (school board member), Lois Austin (Kate Hillston), Donia Bussey (Mrs. Wicks the gossip), Bill Cartledge (student moving scenery), Gino Corrado (nightclub bartender), William B. Davidson (Mr. Bowman), Rex Downing (Western Union boy), William Edmunds (Corey, butler and chauffeur), Sarah Edwards (Charlotte Miller), Virginia Farmer (Millie Corey, Gateley's maid), Ross Ford (college student), Doris Fulton (college student), Jane Hamilton (Sharon's mother), Sam Harris (man backstage at play), Billy Henderson (college student), Boyd Holister (college student), Jimmy Horan (onlooker at lagoon), Joyce Horne (college student), Boyd Irwin (Reverend Sparling), Jessica Jordan (college student), Kathryn Kane (college student), Fred Kelsey (grocer), Ray Klinge (college student), Gracille LaVinder (nurse Boswell), Carl M. Leviness (men's club patron), Kyle MacDonnell (Grace Gateley), Billy Mauch (college student in locker room), Jack McGee (college student), Lydia McKim (college student), Claire Meade (Liza Bingham), Frank Meredith (policeman with telegram), John Michaels (college student), Ray Montgomery (Jimmy, Romeo, college student), Jack Mower (gossip with Herb in drug store), Edward Murphy (college student), Frank O'Connor (policeman at lagoon), Milton Parsons (station agent Al), Constance Purdy (Ruth Laverty, gossip), Ruth Robinson (Cora Haines), William Roy (unknown), Ed Russell (school board member), J. Scott Smart (man in drugstore), Walter Soderling (Mr. Knowland, druggist), Harry Tenbrook (man at train station), Helen Wallace (Rose Halliday), Anthony Warde (Eddie, pushy nightclub patron), Paul Weber (city slicker), Guy Wilkerson (Link, janitor), Rhoda Williams (college student)

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