Released on March 27, 1953: The son of an infamous outlaw tries to convince the Sheriff that he has gone straight, but an outlaw is pretending to be him and the Sheriff is out to get him dead or alive.
Genre: Western
Duration: 56min
Director: Reg Browne
Actors: Johnny Carpenter (Red River Johnny), Lori Irving (Lori Masters), Joan McKellen (Dusty), Valley Keene (Valley), Jack Ingram (three-fingers Jack), Vern Teters (Sheriff Bat Masters), Bill Coontz (Wild Bill Coontz), Ted Smile (Cherokee), Bill Chaney (baby face Bill Chaney), Roy Canada (Cananda the gun-slinger), Whitey Hughes (long haired kid), Lennie Smith (Deputy Sheriff), Ewing Miles Brown (Wild Bill Hickok), Fred Carson (Big Fred), Percy Lennon (the Australian Kid), Jack Wilson (the Texas Kid), Pat McGeehan (narrator), Frank Ellis (Bat Masters Sr.), Henry Wills (Deputy)
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