Released on June 20, 1949: A documentary style crime drama about the evils of marijuana on teens in Los Angeles, with a cast of Hollywood stars.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 10min

Director: Sam Newfield

Actors: Alan Baxter (Markey), Lyle Talbot (Captain Hayes), Lila Leeds (Anne Lester), Michael Whalen (Jonathan Treanor), Mary Ellen Popel (Rita), Robert Kent (Lieutenant Mason), David Holt (Bob Lester), Don C. Harvey (Lieutenant Tyne), David Gorcey (Ricky), Jack Elam (henchman Raymond), Dick Cogan (Edmunds), Knox Manning (narrator), Rudolf Friml Jr. (piano soloist), Henry Corden (Hugo the club manager), Minerva Urecal (Ricky's mother).

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