Released May 27, 1942: This movie, produced by the U.S. Department of War, lists the reasons that the U.S. should join the fight in WWII.
Genre: Documentary
Duration: 52min
Director: Frank Capra
Actors: Walter Huston (narrator), Kai-Shek Chiang (himself, as General Chiang Kai-Shek, himself, archive footage), Walter Darre (himself, archive footage), Otto Dietrich (himself, archive footage), Hans Frank (himself, archive footage), Josef Goebbels (himself, archive footage), Hermann Goring (himself, archive footage), Rudolf Hess (himself, archive footage), Adolf Hitler (himself, archive footage), Saburo Kurusu (himself, archive footage), Robert Ley (himself, archive footage), Lord Lytton (himself, archive footage), Yosuke Matsuoka (himself, archive footage), Frank McCoy (himself, archive footage), Benito Mussolini (himself, archive footage), Henry Pu-yi (himself, archive footage), Fritz Reinhardt (himself, archive footage), Alfred Rosenberg (himself, archive footage), Halle Selassie (himself, archive footage), Henry L. Stimson (himself, archive footage), Julius Streicher (himself, archive footage), Fritz Todt (himself, archive footage), Isoroku Yamamoto (himself, archive footage), Robert J. Anderson (the young boy donating money for Japanese children), Aristide Briand (himself, archive footage), Galeazzo Ciano (himself, archive footage), Heinrich Himmler (himself, archive footage), Hirohito (himself, archive footage), Herbert Hoover (himself, archive footage), Frank B. Kellogg (himself, archive footage), Pierre Laval (himself, archive footage), Erich Ludendorff (himself, archive footage), Franklin Delano Roosevelt (himself, archive footage), Max Schmeling (German Paratrooper, archive footage), Mamoru Shigemitsu (himself, archive footage), Anthony Veiller (narrator), Paul von Hindenburg (himself, archive footage), August von Mackensen (himself, archive footage), Joachim von Ribbentrop (himself, archive footage), Wendell Willkie (himself, archive footage).
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