Released on April 12, 1947: Intrepid private detective Philo Vance is accused of murdering a jewel smuggler, and he must find not only the guilty woman, but the missing priceless emerald.
Genre: Mystery
Duration: 1h 2min
Director: Basil Wrangell
Actors: Alan Curtis (Philo Vance), Vivian Austin (Laurian March), Frank Jenks (Ernie Clark), Tala Birell (Mrs. Tina Cromwell), Gavin Gordon (Oliver Tennant), Cliff Clark (Police Inspector Walsh), James Burke (Police Lieutenant Burke), Toni Todd (Geegee Desmond), Francis Pierlot (Roberts the butler), Joseph Crehan (District Attorney Ellis Mason), Garnett Marks (Charlse O'Mara), Grady Sutton (Mr. Willetts), Charles Mitchell (Guy Harkness), Joanne Frank (Norma Harkness), Dan Seymour (Jeffrey Connor), Karolyn Grimes (Pat Roberts)
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