Released on December 2, 1938: Young Bill Peck and his friends find adventure, intrigue and excitement at the circus.

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 1h 18min

Director: Edward F. Cline

Actors: Tommy Kelly (Bill Peck), Ann Gillis (Fleurette de Cava), Edgar Kennedy (Arthur Bailey), Benita Hume (Myrna Daro), Billy Gilbert (Bud Boggs), Grant Mitchell (Henry Peck), Nana Bryant (Mrs. Henry Pek), George 'Spanky' McFarland (Pee Wee), Louise Beavers (Cassey), William Demarest (Daro, circus manager), Mickey Rentschler (Herman Boggs), Fay Helm (Mrs. De Cava), Harry Stubbs (Hank), Wade Boteler (Murphy), Dick Chandlee (young boy), Eddy Chandler (Jim, circus cop), Lester Dorr (circus usher), Jack Gargan (ticket vendor), Earl Hodgins (circus barker), Malcolm Hutton (young boy), Leonard Kibrick (one of Bill's friends), Sidney Kibrick (one of Bill's friends), Robert McKenzie (circus sign hanger), Dickie Meyers (young boy), Herbert Rawlinson (race judge), Jack Wagner (young boy), Byron Armstrong (one of Bill's friends), Dee Dodd (one of Bill's friends), David Freeman (young boy), Gayland Osburn (young boy), Raymond Osburn (young boy), David Smith (young boy), Howard Smith (young boy), Don Stevenson (young boy), Jimmie Swisher (young boy sitting next to Tommy at the circus)

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