Released on November 28, 1937: A British chorus girl sees a gangster before he kills a henchman and is targeted for death by the gangster on a non-stop airplane trip from London to New York City.
Genre: Crime
Duration: 1h 9min
Director: Robert Stevenson
Actors: John Loder (Inspector Jim Grant), Anna Lee (Jennie Carr), Francis L. Sullivan (Hugo Brant), Frank Cellier (Sam Pryor), Desmond Tester (Arnold James), Athene Seyler (Aunt Veronica), William Dewhurst (Mortimer), Drusilla Wills (Mrs. Carr), Jerry Verno (Steward), James Pirrie (attorney Billy Cooper), Ellen Pollock (Miss Harvey), Arthur Goullet (hobo Henry Abel), Peter Bull (Spurgeon), Tony Quinn (Harrigan), H.G. Stoker (Ship Captain), Albert Chevalier (unknown), Atholl Fleming (unknown), Alf Goddard (Warder at Holloway Gaol), Danny Green (gangster), Bryan Herbert (gangster), Jack Lester (unknown), Andreas Malandrinos (waiter), Percy Parsons (American Judge), Frederick Piper (barman), Aubrey Pollock (Mrs. Kelly), Edmon Ryan (American prosecutor), Edward Ryan (unknown), Alexander Sarner (unknown), Tom Scott (unknown), Roy Smith (unknown), Hal Walters (porter), Billy Watts (unknown), Sam Wilkinson (sailor)
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