My Man Godfrey
Released on September 17, 1936: In this Depression Era comedy, a wealthy family rescues a 'forgotten man' that lives at the city dump. He becomes their new butler, and throughout the movie teaches them how to be grateful in a desperate world.
Genre: Comedy
Director: Gregory La Cava
Actors: William Powell (Godfrey Park), Carole Lombard (Irene Bullock), Alice Brady (Angelica Bullock, the mother), Gail Patrick (Cornelia Bullock), Eugene Pallette (Alexander Bullock, the father), Jean Dixon (Molly the maid), Alan Mowbray (Tommy Gray), Mischa Auer (Carlo), Pat Flaherty (Mike Flaherty), and Robert Light (Faithful George), Ernie Adams (forgotten men), Jimmy Aye (party guest), James Carlisle (socialite), Jack Chefe (headwaiter), Elaine Cochrane (socialite), Phyllis Crane (party guest), Eddie Fetherston (process server), Grace Field (socialite), James Flavin (second detective), Bess Flowers (Mrs. Merriweather), Edward Gargan (detective), Carlton Griffin (socialite), David S. Horsley (socialite), Selmer Jackson (socialite), Richard Kipling (socialite), Andrea Leeds (socialite), Ethelreda Leopold (socialite), Reginald Mason (Mayor Courtney), Philip Merrick (socialite), Bert Moorhouse (party guest playing cards), Robert Morgan (socialite), Louis Natheaux (socialite), Franklin Pangborn (Mr. Guthrie, head of the scavenger hunt), Bob Perry (doorman Bob), Katherine Perry (socialite), Albert Petit (receptionist), Jean Rogers (socialite), Ronald R. Rondell (socialite), Arthur Singley (Clarence), Larry Steers (nightclub patron), Grady Sutton (Charlie Van Rumple), Russell Wade (socialite), William Wagner (waiter), Arthur Wanzer (Arthur Valentine), Harley Wood (socialite), Jane Wyman (socialite)
Duration: 1h 34min
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