Released February 18, 1938: Oliver Boggs is a nerd that knows all kinds of 'useless' trivia, and when he wins $1,500 guessing the number of beans in a barrel, he quits his job and searches for fame, fortune and romance in the small town of Peckham Falls.

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 1h 8min

Director: Gordon Wiles

Actors: Stuart Erwin (Oliver Boggs), Helen Chandler (Oleander Tubbs), Toby Wing (Irene Lee), Tully Marshall (Morton P. Ross), Spencer Charters (Angus Tubbs), Otis Harlan (taxi driver Abner Katz), Walter Byron (Dennis Andrews), Peter Potter (Bob DeBrette), Harry Tyler (Sam Mason the barber), Milburn Stone (Burns, the factory worker who speaks), Nora Cecil (Widow Peddia), Harrison Greene (Mr. Pry), Elliot Fisher (Tommy Mason), Eddie Kane (Theatre Manager), Wilson Benge (the butler), Mike Jeffries (the chauffeur), Isabel La Mal (Mrs. Mason), Betty Mack (Miss Feathrewell), Otto Hoffman (Jenkins), Ted Billings (angry laborer), Horace B. Carpenter (clapping townsman), Adabelle Driver (angry laborer), Charles Legneur (cheerleader), Bruce Mitchell (angry laborer), Walter Young (unknown)

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