Released on May 15, 1942: A crooked deputy warden plans havoc among the guards and inmates in the infamous San Quentin Prison.
Genre: Drama
Duration: 1h 40min
Director: William Beaudine
Actors: J. Anthony Hughes (Jack Holden), Eleanor Stewart (Anne Holden), Dick Curtis (Butch Mason), Charles Middleton (Saunderson), Jeffrey Sayre (Jimmy), George P. Breakston (Louie Howard), Art Mills (Big Al), Michael Mark (Mike, convict in ravine), John Ince (board chairman), Joe Whitehead (Joe Williams), John 'Skins' Miller (convict Skins Miller), John Shay (phone guard), Jack Cheatham (court gate guard), Drew Demorest (guard Gaines), Nancy Evans (Mrs. Doakes), Ted R. Standish (himself, prison department of music supervisor), John A. Hendricks (hinmself, prison orchestra conductor), G. Rolph Burr (himself, prison broadcast announcer), Jack Reavis (himself, prison glee club director), Carl C. Hocker (himself, prison guard), Phil Arnold (convict), William Cowley (himself, prison band vocalist), Richard Cramer (convict), Mike Donovan (prison guard), Frank LaRue (guard), Frank Leigh (board member), Pat McKee (convict), Neyle Morrow (Tony Binder), 'Snub' Pollard (convict), J.R. Thomas (himself, prison guard).
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