Released on September 15, 1921: A little boy born in Brooklyn discovers that he has inherited a fortune in England that is his on the condition that he never see his mother again.
Genre: Drama
Duration: 1h 43min
Director: Alfred E. Green
Actors: Mary Pickford (young Cedric Errol and 'Dearest' widow Errol), Claude Gillingwater (the Earl of Dorincourt), Joseph J. Dowling (William Havisham), James A. Marcus (Hobbs), Kate Price (Mrs. McGinty), Fred Malatesta (Dick), Rose Dione (Minna), Arthur Thalasso (the stranger), Colin Kenny (Bevis), Emmett King (Reverend Mordaunt), Madame De Bodamere (Mrs. Higgins), Jackie Condon (child in opening scene with hat), Gordon Griffith (boy who steals grapes), Francis Marion (Minna's son), Milton Berle (young boy), Joan Marsh (unknown), Howard Ralston (boy), Joe Roberts (Buzz Saw Brannigan), Mavis Villiers (little girl)
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