Kid Monk Baroni
Released on May 1, 1952: Leonard Nimoy is a street tough teen in the Little Italy neighborhood of New York City who tries to break out of gangs and poverty by learning to box.
Directed by: Harold D. Schuster
Written by: Aben Kandel and Dick Conway
The Actors: Leonard Nimoy Paul 'Monk' Baroni, Allene Roberts Emily Brooks, Richard Rober Father Callahan, Bruce Cabot Mr. Hellman, Mona Knox June Travers, Jack Larson Angelo, Budd Jaxon Knuckles, Archer MacDonald Pete, Kathleen Freeman Maria Baroni, Joseph Mell Gino Baroni, Paul Maxey Mr. Al Petry, Stuart Randall Mr. Moore, Chad Mallory Joey, Maurice Cass pawnbroker, William Cabanne fighter, the 'Seattle Wildcat', James Conaty nightclub table extra, Gil Frye ring announcer, Benny Goldberg fighter, Joe Gray fighter, Al Hill Art Chefe's fight manager, Harvey Parry referee, Jack Stoney himself, referee in final fight
Runtime: 1h 19min
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