Released on November 4, 1944: A young man facing a judge on the charge of murder accuses his parents of making him a killer.
Genre: Crime
Duration: 1h 8min
Director: Sam Newfield
Actors: Robert Lowell (James Wilson), Mary Beth Hughes (Kitty Reed), John Miljan (Dan Wilson), Vivienne Osborne (Mrs. Wilson), George Meeker (Charles Blake, Paradise nightclub owner), Edward Earle (the judge), George Lloyd (Al Frazier, owner of the hamburger joint), Patricia Knox (Vera Moore), Florence Johnson (Shirley Clark), Richard Bartell (Joe Holden, shoe store owner), Brooks Benedict (pedestrian), Jack Chefe (head waiter), Mauritz Hugo (Blake's henchman), Harold Miller (cocktail party guest), Bud Osborne (Mr. Carlton, clock maker)
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