Released on December 19, 1933: A wealthy Chicago father sends his party-drunk son to the Arizona desert to get him away from booze and women, where he finds booze and women.

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 1h 13min

Director: Warren Millais

Actors: Sari Maritza (Waffles), William Collier Jr. (Johny Norton), Alan Mowbray (Nils Norton), Ivan F. Simpson (Lathrop), Monaei Lindley (Ermine, Johnny's girlfriend), Rex Armond (Tex, Waffles' friend), Jack Dewees (Kenneth), Barbara Luddy (Mae), Leila McIntyre (Dean of Women), John Hyams (Dean of Men), Grace Valentine (Mary), Mary Lee Manning (college student), Bert James (college boy), Barry Thompson (college bad boy)

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