Released on May 18, 1948: A WWII German scientist escapes to London and works on a drug that will immunize Germans from the germ warfare that the Nazi survivors are planning to unleash on the world.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 30min

Director: Paul L. Stein

Actors: Robert Beatty (Dr. Paul Rankin), Mervyn Johns (Sr. Bruckner, the Beast of Ravensbruck), Nova Pilbeam (Tracy Hart), Margaretta Scott (Sister 'Johnnie' Johnson), Sybille Binder (Martha Lert, Bruckner Nazi housekeeper), Marie Lohr (Mrs. Coles, Richard's old friend), Karel Stepanek (Professor Inman, Nazi Psychiatrist), Alan Wheatley (M.W. Kennedy, Nazi dentist), Gladys Henson (Mrs. Plum, Forester's housekeeper), John Salew (Padre Latham), Anthony Eustrel (Dr. Richard Forrester), Carl Jaffe (Heinz), Ronald Adam (Colonal Ingram, Gillington POW Camp Commandant), Martin Miller (Van Hessian, Dutch seaman), Aubrey Mallalieu (Major Walsh), Horace Kenney (taxi driver), Stevins Chambers (German POW), Archie Duncan (Dr. McKegney), John England (German POW), Armand Guinle (seaman), Mike Johnson (barman), Kenneth Keeling (policeman), Peter Madden (William Lucas, Nazi), Jack Melford (detective), Kynaston Reeves (Lucas' butler), Frederick Schiller (German POW), Olive Sloane (Ingram's housekeeper).

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