Bury Me Dead

Released on October 18, 1947: A wealthy heiress returns from a day at Arrowhead to discover that after a disastrous fire at her estate, someone is being buried that everyone thinks is her, and when the killer discovers that she is still alive, her life is in danger again.

Directed by: Bernard Vorhaus

Written by: Irene Winston with screenplay by Dwight V. Babcock and Karen DeWolf

The Actors: Cathy O'Donnell Rusty Carlin, June Lockhart Barbara Carlin, Hugh Beaumont Michael Dunn, family attorney, Mark Daniels Rod Carlin, the husband, Greg McClure George Mandley the boxer, Milton Parsons Jeffers the butler, Virginia Farmer Mrs. Haskins, housekeeper, Sonia Darrin Helen Lawrence, the other woman, Cliff Clark detective Archer, John Dehner reporter, Sumner Getchell cab driver, Selmer Jackson Reverend Doctor Foster, Cy Kendall detective, Charles Lane Mr. Brighton, Jack Perry George's trainer, Brick Sullivan Policeman

Runtime: 1h 8min

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