The Manxman
Released on August 2, 1929: A fisherman and a rising young lawyer, who grew up as brothers, fall in love with the same girl.
Directed by: Alfred Hitchcock
Written by: Hall Caine (novel) (as Sir Hall Caine), Eliot Stannard (scenario)
The Actors: Carl Brisson, Pete Quilliam, Malcolm Keen, Malcolm Keen, Philip Christian, Anny Ondra, Kate Cregeen, Randle Ayrton, Randle Ayrton, Caesar Cregeen, Clare Greet, Clare Greet, Mrs. Cregeen (as Claire Greet), Kim Peacock Kim Peacock, Ross Christian (uncredited), Nellie Richards, Wardress (uncredited), Wilfred Shine, Doctor (uncredited), Harry Terry, Man (uncredited).
Runtime: 1h 50m
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