The Ghost Goes West

Released on December 17, 1935: An American millionaire buys a haunted Scottish castle and moves it to Florida, ghost and all.

Directed by: Rene Clair

Written by: Ren Clair, Eric Keown, Geoffrey-Kerr and Robert E. Sherwood

The Actors: Robert Donat Murdoch Glourie and Donald Glourie, Jean Parker Peggy Martin, Eugene Pallette Mr. Joe Martin, Elsa Lanchester Miss Shepperton, Ralph Bunker Ed L. Bigelow, Patricia Hilliard Shephard girl, Everley Gregg Mrs. Gladys Martin, Morton Selten The Glourie, Chili Bouchier Cleopatra, Mark Daly Murdoch's groom, Herbert Lomas Fergus, Elliott Mason Mrs. MacNiff, Hay Petrie The McLaggen, Quentin McPhearson Mackaye, Peter Cozens unknown, Syd Crossley unknown, Richard Fraser son of MacLaggen, David Keir creditor, Jack Lambert Son of MacLaggen, Colin Lesslie Son of MacLaggen, Neil Lester Son of MacLaggen, J. Neil More Son of MacLaggen, Victor Rietti scientist, Arthur Seaton creditor, Terry-Thomas unknown

Runtime: 1h 35m

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