Shed No Tears

Released on June 9, 1948: A husband agrees to fake his own death so that his wife can get his insurance money for them, but his wife and her boyfriend have other ideas.

Directed by: Jean Yarbrough

Written by: Don Martin, Brown Holmes and Virginia M. Cooke.

The Actors: Wallace Ford Sam Grover, June Vincent Edna Grover, Mark Roberts Ray Belden, Frank Albertson Police Lieutenant Hutton, Dick Hogan Tom Grover, Sam's son, Elena Verdugo Marilyn, Tom's sweetheart, Johnstone White Huntington Stewart, private eye, Oliver Blake apartment manager, Betty Blythe Mrs. Peet, landlady, Eddie Dunn loan company representative, Eddie Kane Mr. Nicholas, bail bondsman, Rory Mallinson second interrogating detective, Paul Maxey first insurance investigator, Matt McHugh first investigating detective, Ida Moore bus passenger, Jason Robards Sr. homicide inspector, Mary Treen Hilda the maid, Emmett Vogan first interrogating detective, Max Wagner second investigating detective, Barton Yarborough second insurance investigator.

Runtime: 1h 10m

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