Daniel Boone, Trail Blazer

Released on October 5, 1956: Daniel Boone leads settlers to Kentucky to establish a new home named Boonesborough, but the red coats and the red skins have other plans.

Directed by: Ismael Rodriguez

Written by: Tom Hubbard  and John Patrick.

The Actors: Bruce Bennett Daniel Boone, Lon Chaney Jr. Blackfish, Faron Young Faron Callaway, Kem Dibbs Simon Girty, Damian O'Flynn Andy Callaway, Jacqueline Evans Rebecca Boone, Nancy Rodman Susannah Boone, Freddy Fernandez Israel Boone, Carol Kelly Jamima Boone, Eduardo Noriega Squire Boone, Fred Kohler Jr. Kenton, Gordon Mills John Holder, Claudio Brook James Boone, Joe Ainley General Hamilton, Lee Morgan Smitty.

Runtime: 1h 30m

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