Two Dollar Bettor

Released on September 7, 1951: Family man and banker John Hewitt visits a racetrack for the first time and innocently makes a two dollar bet, but gets hooked on gambling and may ruin his life and wind up in jail with the help of a bookie and the bookie's beautiful secretary.

Directed by: Edward L. Cahn

Written by: Howard Emett Rogers and William Ryanor.

The Actors: Steve Brodie Rick Bowers, aka Rick Slate, Marie Windsor Mary Slate, John Litel John Hewitt, Barbara Logan Nancy Hewitt, Robert Sherwood Phillip Adams, Barbara Bestar Diane 'Dee' Hewitt, Walter Kingsford Carleton P. Adams, Don Shelton George Irwin, Kay Lavelle Grandma Sarah Irwin, Carl 'Alfalfa' Switzer Chuck Nordlinger, Isabel Randolph Margaret Adams, Ralph Reed Teddy Cosgrove Phelps, Barbara Billingsley Miss Pierson, Ralph Hodges Chester Mitchell, Madelon Mitchell Grace Shepard, Philip Van Zandt Ralph Shepard, Dick Elliott big racetrack drunk bettor, Jack George Tom, Kit Guard racetrack extra, Sam Harris racetrack extra, Jonathan Hole race track drunk bettor, Mike Lally racetrack extra, Paul Maxey Lawrence Crane, Forbes Murray man at racetrack, Ralph Sanford taxi driver, Bert Stevens Joe, Eric Wilton Adams' butler, Barbara Woodell Mrs. Hewitt's photograph.

Runtime: 1h 30m

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