The Vampire Bat
Released January 21, 1933: When bodies start appearing with no blood left, the towns folk believe that a vampire has visited them, but they cannot discover who the vampire really is, as town folk continue to die.
Directed by: Frank R. Strayer
Written by: Edward T. Lowe Jr..
The Actors: Lionel Atwill Dr. Otto von Niemann, Fay Wray Ruth Bertin, Melvyn Douglas Karl Brettschneider, Maude Eburne Aunt Gussie Schnappmann, George E. Stone Kringen, Dwight Frye Herman Gleib, Robert Frazer Emil Borst, Rita Carlyle Martha Mueller, Lionel Belmore Burgermeister Gustave Schoen, William V. Mong Sauer, Stella Adams Georgiana Harrison Greene Weingarten, Fern Emmett Gertrude, William Humphrey Dr. Haupt, Paul Panzer townsman, Carl Stockdale Schmidt the morge keeper, Paul Weigel Dr. Holdstadt.
Runtime: 1h 11m
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