The Duke of West Point

Released on December 29, 1938: An American who grew up in Britain and graduated Cambridge returns to the States to join the Military Academy at West Point and discovers that life at West Point is very different from life in Britain.

Directed by: Alfred E. Green

Written by: George Bruce

The Actors: Louis Hayward Steven Earley, Joan Fontaine Ann Porter, Tom Brown Robin 'Sonny' Drew, Richard Carlson John West, Alan Curtis Cadet Strong, Don 'Red' Barry Cadet Grady, Steve Pendleton Cadet Rains, Charles D. Brown Doc Porter, Jed Prouty Mr. Drew, Marjorie Gateson Mrs. Drew, Emma Dunn Mrs. West, George McKay Varsity Hockey Coach, James Flavin Plebe Hockey Boach, Nick Lukats Plebe Football Coach, Kenneth Harlan Varsity Football Coack, Jonathan Hale Colonel Earley, William Bakewell Committee Captain, Art Raymond country boy, Anthony Nace First Captain of Corps, Mary MacLaren Nurse, Edward Earle Surgeon, Allen Connor tactical officer, Edward LeSaint the oath giver

Runtime: 1h 36m

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