Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror
Released on March 4, 1922: The first motion picture that told the story of Dracula based on the Bram Stoker novel.
Directed by: F.W. Murnau
Written by: Bram Stoker with screenplay by Henrik Galeen.
The Actors: Max Schreck Count Graf Orlok / Nosferatu, Gustav von Wangenheim Hutter, Greta Schroder Ellen Hutter, Alexander Granach Knock, real estate agent, Georg H. Schnell Harding, Hutter's friend, Ruth Landshoff Annie Harding, John Gottowt Professor Bulwer, Gustav Botz Professor Sievers, Max Nemetz Captain of the Demeter, Wolfgang Heinz Zweiter Captain, Albert Venohr Matrose 1, Eric von Viele Matrose 2, Karl Etlinger unknown, Guido Herzfeld Wirt, Loni Nest child at window, Fanny Schreck nurse in the hospital, Hardy von Francois doctor, Heinrich Witte a keeper in the mad house.
Runtime: 1h 34m
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