
Released on May 19, 1948: A hangman in London prepares for his final hanging before giving up the job, but when he sees the man he is to hang, his world ends.

Directed by: Compton Bennett

Written by: Monckton Hoffe with screenplay by Muriel Box and Sydney Box

The Actors: Ann Todd Frankie, Eric Portman Eddie Tribe, Maxwell Reed Olaf Tyson, Edward Rigby Bill Shackle, Bill Owen Ron, Eliot Makeham Mr. Walter Bigley, solicitor, Jane Hylton Doris, bar maid, Margaret Withers Mrs. Bigley, John Turnbull Scotland Yard Superintendent, Maurice Denham Scotland Yard Inspector, Milton Rosmer Governor, Lyn Evans Waterman, Andrew Crawford barber shop customer, Garry Marsh barbershop customer

Runtime: 1h 21m

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