A Matter of Who
Released on October 3, 1961: A medical detective with the World Health Organization follows a trail that leads to corrupt jet-set busnessmen to discover the origin of a smallpox epidemic that is killing people.
Directed by: Don Chaffey
Written by: Patricia Lee, Paul Dickinson, Harold Buchman and Milton Holmes
The Actors: Terry-Thomas (Archibald Bannister), Sonja Ziemann (Michele Cooper), Alex Nicol (Edward Kennedy), Richard Briers (Jimmy Jamieson, Bannister's assistant), Honor Blackman (Sister Bryan), Carol White (Beryl, Ivonovitch's girlfriend), Guy Deghy (Nick Ivonovitch), Clive Morton (Hatfield), Martin Benson (Rahman), Geoffrey Keen (Foster), Eduard Linkers (Doctor Linkers), Vincent Ball (Doctor Blake), Michael Ripper (Skipper), Cyril Wheeler (Stephen Cooper), Andrew Faulds (Ralph), George Cormack (Henry), Bruce Beeby (Captain Brook), Julie Alexander (stewardess), Roland Brand (U.S. Sergeant), Claire Collins (blonde girl), Gwenda Ewen (unknown), Barbara Hicks (telephone operator Margery), Jacqueline Jones (Miss Forsythe), Chulam Mohammed (attach), Pat Roberts (unknown)
Runtime: 1h 30m
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