Men's Cap

 SIZE: Adjustable/One size fits all

This hat is from a collection of hats, what appears to be, primarily between the mid 1970's to early 2000's. Specific dates or exceptions to this date range, if known, will be noted in title or above. 


  Please sanitize pre-owned hats before use (disinfectant spray).

CONDITION: [see photos]. Though most of the hats from this collection seem to yet be supple (& most of them unused), many are 40+ years old, so I can't guarantee the flexibility of the plastic parts ie; snap-back & bill retainers; or the longevity of the foam in the crowns. I've taken pics of the inside of the crown of those few that have deterioration (occasionally foam turns to dust & sprinkles out when hat is shaken) & also any other observable conditions.

 Please disregard the letter/number in [ ] that precedes the listing title. It is for store use only.

Free shipping insurance.

SHIPPING DISCOUNT: 50% discount for additional like items.