What a wonderful look at life in the mid-west in the 1800’s. This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Wapello County and its people.
This is a scanned copy on CD of the:
History of Wapello County Iowa and Representative Citizens
Capt. S. B. Evans.
(660 pages on 1 CD)
An essential resource for Genealogists
Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.
This book on CD is SEARCHABLE *
Table of Contents as Shown:
Chapter I. - Brief Sketch of Early Iowa
Chapter II. - Aboriginal Inhabitants
Chapter III. - Indian Census
Chapter IV. - South Ottumwa in Early Days
Chapter V. - Occupying the Land
Chapter VI. - How the Pioneers Lived
Chapter VII. - County Organization
Chapter VIII. - County Seat Located
Chapter IX. - Ottumwa and Its Institutions
Chapter X. - Ottumwa and Its Municipal Officers
Chapter XI. - Ottumwa Water Works and Water Power
Chapter XII. - The Coal Palace
Chapter XIII. - Roster of County Officials and Census
Chapter XIV. - The Briscoe Gold Fever
Chapter XV. – Kelley’s Army and His Fleet of Flat Boats
Chapter XVI. - Improvement of the Des Moines River
Chapter XVII. - Bench and Bar
Chapter XVIII. - The Medical Profession
Chapter XIX. - The Towns of the County
Chapter XX. - Notable Events
Chapter XXI. - War Record - Civil War — Spanish-American War.
Biographical Surnames:
Abegg, Abernathy, Abraham, Acton, Ainley, Allbaugh, Allen, Applegren, Areingdale, Armstrong, Anderson, Arnold, Arrison, Asbury, Bailey, Baker, Bannister, Bare, Barnes, Beagle, Beck, Bell, Bennett, Betterton, Bizer, Bolibaugh, Bonnifield, Bosworth, Bonde, Bowman, Box, Bremhorst, Brown, Buchanan, Bullock, Burbage, Burton, Caldwell, Campbell, Carman, Carpenter, Carr, Chisman, Cline, Cloyd, Cobler, Cohagan, Coleman, Cornell, Cottom, Creath, Cremer, Crisman, Cullen, Cummings, Daggett, Dailey, Daniels, Davis, Dean, Decker, DeLong, Denny, Dennis, Devin, Dible, Dickins, Dimmitt, Dixson, Donelan, Dudgeon, Dysart, Earhart, Eastburn, Eaton, Edwards, Elder, Emerv, Enoch, Erskine, Evans, Fais, Fecht, Ferree, Fetzer, Fink, Fish, Flint, Ford, Foster, Francis, Friend, Fritz, Fullen, Gardner, Garner, Gibbons, Gift, Godley, Goff, Gosney, Goudy, Gray, Green, Guggerty, Hackworth, Hale, Hall, Hammersley, Hamilton, Hammond, Hanawalt, Hanna, Hanshaw, Hardsocg, Harrow, Harper, Harsch, Harsliman, Hatch, Haw, Heindel, Heifer, Helman, Henrv, Herman, Hicks, Hill, Hills, Hirst, Hodson, Holzhauser, Howell, Hull, Humbert, Hunt, Hutchison, Israel, Ives, Jewett, Janney, Jaques, Johnson, Kerfoot, King, Kitterman, Kitterman, Knight, Knox, Kriegh, Krueger, Langford, Lanz, Lee, Leighton, Lewis, Long, Lore, Lottridge, MacMillan, Macov, Mader, Manchester, Mann, Manning, McCarroll, McCollough, McCorraick, McCoy, McElroy, Mclntire, McShane, Melcher, Metzger, Miller, Mitchell, Montagne, Moore, Morey, Morrell, Mowrey, Murray, Myers, Neil, Nelson, Newell, Nosier, Nye, O'Brien, O'Bryant, Ockert, Ogden, Oldham, Ostdiek, Palmer, Parker, Parks, Parr, Peck, Pelham, Phelps, Phillips, Picken, Porter, Powelson, Proctor, Pumroy, Prosser, Pumroy, Randel, Ream, Reece, Reeve, Renfew, Reno, Riggs, Robertson, Roemer, Ruffing, Ryerson, Sackett, Sauer, Sautbine, Sawyers, Schlagater, Schmidt, Schwartz, Schwarz, Scott, Sharp, Shawver, Shumaker, Simmons, Skinner, Smith, Snow, Spangler, Spilman, Springer, Steck, Stevens, Stewart, Stodghill, Streicher, Strickland, Stuber, Styre, Theunisson, Thomas, Thornburg, Thornton, Timonds, Tinsley, Traul, Trisler, Trout, Udell, Ulmer, Vance, Vanfossan, Vass, Von Schrader, Walsh, Waugaman, Ward, Warner, Warren, Waterman, Webber, Wellman, Wertz, White, Whitcomb, Williams, Wilson, Withall, Wood, Work, Wycoft, Wyman, Young,