What a wonderful look at life in the 1800’s. This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Turner, Lincoln, Union and Clay Counties and their people.
This is a scanned copy on CD of the original book published in 1897.
Memorial and Biographical Record of Turner, Lincoln, Union and Clay Counties, South Dakota
Containing Biographical Sketches of Hundreds of Prominent Old Settlers and Representative Citizens, with a Review of their Life Work; their Identity with the Growth and Development of these Counties; Reminiscences of Personal History and Pioneer Life; and other Interesting and Valuable Matter which should be Preserved in History.
Chicago: Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers, Engravers and Book Manufacturers.
560 pages on 1 CD An essential resource for Genealogists Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect. This book on CD is SEARCHABLE *
Abbott, Abild, Aggergaard, Ainsworth, Alberty, Allen, Akin, Ames, Anderson, Andrews, Apland, Appleby, Arney, Artz, Asbjeld, Austin, Authier, Bailey, Baird, Baker, Ballweg, Bankson, Barclay, Barton, Barse, Battraw, Beauchemin, Bechard, Beck, Behnke, Belkey, Bell, Benjamin, Bennett, Bemelman, Berglund, Bergren, Bervin, Berry, Best, Blades, Blake, Bogert, Bones, Boomgaarden, Bottolfson, Bovee, Bower, Boyce, Bradberry, Branch, Brandhagen, Branch, Bridgman, Bring, Brouillette, Brown, Bruyer, Buchanan, Burdick, Byrnes, Carey, Carleton, Carlson, Carpenter, Chapman, Chase, Chaussee, Cheney, Christianson, Clare, Cleland, Clementson, Collar, Conklin, Cornish, Costain, Cotton, Cowell, Crumrine, Cuppett, Dahl, Daily, Davis, Dean, Deane, DeLong, Dimick, Dipping, Dodd, Doeden, Dolan, Downing, Duncan, Duerst, Duitsman, Dunlap, Echelberry, Eckert, Ege, Elce, Elliott, Ellis, Ely, Engle, Erickson, Ericson, Eslick, Espie, Estes, Fallgetter, Farguson, Farley, Fate, Fee, Ferry, Fields, Finlay, Finn, Fitzgerald, Flannery, Flyger, Fossum, Fox, Fry, Gamble, Gedstad, Gehon, Gerber, Gifford, Gilbert, Gilchrist, Gilmore, Gotthelf, Graham, Graves, Gray, Green, Guernsey, Guillaume, Gunderson, Hammond, Hankins, Hansen, Hanson, Harmeling, Harris, Hart, Hatch, Hazen, Heeren, Heglin, Hegnes, Heldt, Hesla, Hervig, Hieb, Hoffmann, Hogoboom, Hokenstad, Holmgren, Horton, Howard, Hoyt, Huntley, Hurd, Hyde, Ingham, Inman, Isakson, Iseminger, Isham, Iverson, Iwerks, Jackson, Jacobs, Jacobson, Janssen, Jantz, Jesse, Johnsen, Johnson, Jones, Judd, Kappenman, Keen, Keidel, Keller, Kennedy, Kerr, Ketchum, Klave, Knudson, Koch, Kuhler, Kvaale La Breche, Lambertz, Langan, Lantaff, Larsen, Larson, Lass, Lawrence, Lease, Lee, Lehne, Leikvold, Le Moges, Letcher, Lewis, Lier, Lindahl, Lindeman, Long, Loughran, Lovejoy, Lowrie, Ludwig, Madden, Main, Mangan, Markham, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Mauck, Mausbach, Mayer, Maynard, McAlear, McFarland, McGuigan, McKenzie, McLoughlin, McVay, Milks, Millage, Millett, Miller, Minor, Minot, Moore, Morrow, Moscrip, Mosier, Moulton, Mueller, Mulhair, Myron, Nash, Nelson, Newby, Noahr, Noble, Norgren, Norm, Northup, Norton, Odell, Oliver, Olson, O'Rielly, Overgaard, Overseth, Overton, Owens, Pace, Page, Palmer, Partridge, Patnoe, Patterson, Paulson, Pelley, Penner, Pennel, Peters, Peterson, Petzel, Pier, Pierce, Policy, Prinslow, Putnam, Quigley, Rector, Reedy, Reeverts, Rederick, Redfield, Reiners, Remillard, Richardson, Ringsrud, Robinson, Rogers, Ronan, Ross, Rowen, Rozell, Rudolph, Rundell, Russell, Rust, Ryan, Sanford, Schlicher, Schlosser, Schmid, Schroeder, Schuck, Schulte, Scott, Sears, Sellberg, Shanley, Sheehan, Sheldon, Shepardson, Sherman, Shields, Shore, Shriner, Shurtleff, Siebert, Simonsen, Sinclair, Skie, Slaman, Slocum, Smith, Solomon, Spencer, Spowage, Steadman, Stefani, Still, Stilwell, Stohr, Stout, Stubsten, Talcott, Taggart, Tapper, Taylor, Thompson, Thorson, Travnor, Trye, Tschudi, Tucker, Turnbull, Tuttle, Tuve, Vandaveer, Vandiver, Van Epps, Vinson, Voegeli, Voges, Wahl, Wait, Waldo, Walker, Wallace, Warner, Waterman, Way, Webber, Weeks, Weiland, Wendt, Westre, White, Whitehorn, Whitlow, Wiggin, Wilcox, Wilkinson, Willey, Williams, Willsie, Wimple, Wixson, Wood, Woods, Woodworth, Wright, Wumkes, Wynn, Yerter,