What a wonderful look at life in 1800’s.  This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Los Angeles County and its people.


This is a scanned copy on CD of the original Book published in 1889.


An Illustrated History


Los Angeles County,



Containing a History of Los Angeles County from the Earliest Period of its Occupancy to the Present Time, together with Glimpses of its Prospective Future; with Profuse illustrations of its Beautiful Scenery, Full-Page Portraits of Some of its most Eminent Men, and Biographical Mention of Many of its Pioneers and also of Prominent Citizens of Today.







835 pages on 1 CD

An essential resource for Genealogists

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.

This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * 

S/H in the USA is $2.45,  each additional CD purchased has FREE S/H

Table of Contents

Chapter I. -  Physical Features
Chapter II. - The Aborigines
Chapter III. -  Early Voyages and Spanish Occupation
Chapter IV. -  The Missions
Chapter V. -  
San Fernando Mission
Chapter VI. -  The Secularization of the Missions
Chapter VII. -  The City of
Los Angeles from the founding until the Mexican War
Chapter VIII. -  The Mexican War
Chapter IX. -  The
Chapter X. -  State division
Chapter XI. -  Annals 1849-1889
Chapter XII. -  Pioneers
Chapter XIII. -  Railroads
Chapter XIV. -  The Press
Chapter XV. -  Bench and Bar
Chapter XVI. -  The Medical Profession
Chapter XVII. -  Crimes and Criminals
Chapter XVIII. -  
Los Angeles City
Chapter XIX. -  
Pasadena, and the story of Rancho San Pascual
Chapter XX. -  
Chapter XXI. -  San Pedro, etc.
Chapter XXII. -  Other towns
Chapter XXIII. -  Miscellaneous

Biographical Sketches

Adam, Adams, Addis, Aguirre, Aiken, Alexander, Allen, Allin, Amar, Ambrose, Anderson, Ardis, Arevalo, Armour, Arnett, Arnold, Ashman, Ayers, Babcock, Badeau, Baer, Bailey, Baker, Baldridge, Baldwin, Ball, Ballade, Bandini, Bangle, Banning, Banta, Barber, Barbour, Barclay, Barnard, Barnes, Barnett, Barrows, Bartle, Bassett, Basye, Bates, Baxter, Bayer, Bayly, Beardslee, Beaudry, Bedwell, Bell, Bender, Benner, Bent, Bentley, Bernard, Bevan, Bicknell, Bird, Birdsall, Bishop, Bixby, Blackman, Bloeser, Blumer, Boal, Boardman, Boddy, Boehme, Bonebrake, Bornemann, Bowen, Boyce, Boyd, Boyle, Bradfield, Bradley, Brady, Bransby, Braun, Breed, Brierly, Brigden, Brinkerhoff, Brodersen, Brophy, Brosseau, Brown, Bruce, Brunson, Bryson, Buchanan, Buell, Bullis, Burdick, Burke, Burlingame, Burns, Burr, Burritt, Buster, Butler, Campbell, Cameron, Campbell, Campton, Carrell, Carson, Carter, Caruthers, Case, Casey, Cass, Castrucio, Caswell, Cate, Cates, Cathcart, Chadsey, Chapman, Chappelow, Charnock, Cheney, Chick, Childress, Childs, Choate, Clark, Clement, Cleminson, Cleveland, Cochran, Cohn, Colburn, Cole, Collins, Coltrin, Colver, Compton, Conner, Cook, Copley, Coronel, Coxhead, Coyner, Craig, Crawford, Cronenwett, Cullen, Culver, Cummings, Currier, Curtis, Dalton, Damron, Darling, Daubenspeck, Davidson, Davis, Davison, Davisson, Dawson, DeGarmo, DeGear, DeLano, Delano, Delude, Del Valle, Den, Denis, Denman, Deutsch, Dillon, Dodge, Dodson, Dohs, Dominguez, Dorman, Dorsey, Dougherty, Downey, Downs, Dozier, Ducommun, Cunkelberger, Dunlap, Dunn, Dunsmoor, Durfee, Durrell, Dye, Earle, East, Eaton, Eberle, Eckler, Edelman, Edgar, Eddy, Egan, Ellsworth, Embody, Emery, Engelhardt, Eno, Erhardt, Erwin, Ewing, Fairchild, Fanning, Faulwetter, Fears, Fellows, Ferguson, Fernandez, Ferrier, Fitch, Fitzgerald, Flatt, Flora, Flory, Floyd, Follansbee, Forbes, Forster, Fosmire, Foster, Foy, Fraisher, Franck, Freeman, Freer, French, Frick, Frost, Fruhling, Fryer, Fullerton, Gage, Gaines, Garber, Gard, Garden, Gardiner, Gardner, Garibaldi, Garthside, Garey, Garvey, Gassen, Gerkens, Germain, Gerson, Gibson, Gillespie, Gillette, Gillmore, Giroux, Glassell, Goldsworthy, Gollmer, Goodall, Goodman, Goodwin, Gosper, Goucher, Gourley, Graham, Grant, Graves, Green, Greene, Greminger, Gresham, Griffin, Griffith, Griswold, Guess, Guinn, Gunne, Guthrie, Gwin, Haben, Haddox, Hagan, Hamilton, Hammerton, Hancock, Hanlon, Hanna, Hannon, Hansen, Harmon, Harper, Harps, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Haskell, Haskin, Hatch, Hathern, Hauser, Haven, Havens, Haver, Hawk, Hawks, Hay, Hayden, Hayman, Haynes, Hazard, Hazzard, Heinsch, Heinzeman, Hellman, Hellman, Henderson, Hersee, Hewitt, Higgins, Hinds, Hitchcock, Hogan, Holbrook, Holder, Holgate, Hollenbeck, Holman, Home, Hopkins, Hosmer, Houghton, House, Howard, Howe, Howland, Howry, Hoyt, Huckins, Hudson, Hughes, Hunter, Hurlbut, Hutton, Jenifer, Jenison, Jenkins, Jenks, Jevne, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Judson, Juenger, Kannon, Keir, Keller, Kelly, Kendrick, Kenealy, Kennedy, Kercheval, Kern, Kerns, Kiefer, King, Kingsley, Kinney, Koster, Kremer, Kubach, Kuhrts, Lacey, Lacy, La Dow, La Fetra, Lambourn, Lang, Lankershim, Large, Lasher, Lassere, Laubersheimer, Laux, Lazard, Leahy, Lecouvreur, Lee, Legg, Levy, Lewis, Lichtenberger, Lindley, Little, Littleboy, Livingston, Llewellyn, Loew, Logan, Loney, Long, Loop, Lossing, Loucks, Lowe, Ludlam, Lugo, Luitweiler, Lummis, Lunt, Luper, Lynch, Lyster, MacGowan, MacKay, Macy, Magee, Maier, Malott, Mann, Manning, Mansfield, Mappa, Marleau, Markham, Marsden, Marshall, Martin, Masters, Mathes, Mathis, Matthew, Maynard, McCarty, McComas, McDaniel, McDonald, McDonnell, McFarland, McGarry, McGarvin, McGaugh, McGregor, McKinley, McLain, McLaughlin, McLean, McManis, McMenomy, McNally, Mentry, Merz, Meschendorf, Mesmer, Messer, Meyer, Michelson, Middleton, Miles, Miller, Mills, Mitchell, Modini, Molony, Monroe, Montano, Moore, Moores, Mora, More, Moreno, Morford, Morgan, Morrison, Morsch, Morton, Moss, Mott, Moulton, Mudge, Mullally, Mullen, Murch, Murdoch, Murray, Myrick, Nadeau, Needham, Neighbors, Newhall, Newmark, Newton, Nicol, Norman, Nuelle, O'Connor, Olmstead, Olsen, O'Melveny, Orme, Orr, Osborn, Osborne, Osgoodby, O'Shea, Otis, Overholtzer, Owens, Packard, Page, Palmer, Parker, Pascoe, Pttee, Payne, Pearce, Peck, Pedgrift, Pegg, Pendleton, Pepper, Perkins, Perry, Peschke, Phelps, Phillippi, Phillips, Philp, Pico, Pierce, Pile, Plater, Pleasants, Pollard, Ponet, Porter, Potts, Powell, Preston, Preuss, Pridham, Prieto, Prosise, Purdy, Purkins, Putnam, Quesnel, Rawson, Raynal, Reed, Reeve, Reichard, Reider, Relyea, Rendall, Requena, Reynolds, Rhyne, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Rigg, Rinaldi, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Rommel, Rose, Ross, Rowland, Ruddock, Ruf, Ruggles, Ruth, Sabichi, Saenz, Sainsevain, Salisbury, Sanders, Sanford, Sartori, Saum, Saunders, Saxon, Schenck, Schieck, Schloss, Schneider, Schreiber, Schumacher, Scott, Seaman, Sells, Settle, Severance, Sexton, Shankland, Shaw, Shawg, Shoemaker, Shorb, Shorey, Shorting, Shrader, Shrode, Sikes, Silent, Slack, Slauson, Small, Smith, Snoddy, Snyder, Sorabjee, Souther, Spalding, Spear, Spence, Spencer, Stafford, Stamm, Stearns, Steele, Steere, Stengel, Stephens, Stewart, Stockton, Stockwell, Stoll, Stombs, Stone, Stovell, Stowell, Stratton, Streshly, Strohm, Stuhr, Sutcliffe, Swain, Swanfeldt, Switzer, Symes, Taber, Talbot, Tanner, Taylor, Temple, Templeton, Thom, Thomas, Thompson, Throop, thurman, Tibbet, Tibbetts, Todd, Todhunter, Townsend, Treat, Trussell, Tungate, Turner, Ulyard, Valenzuela, Van der Leck, Van Dyke, Van Nuys, Van Tassel, Van Valkenburg, Vaughn, Vawter, Velsir, Venable, Verdaguer, Vickrey, Viereck, Vignes, Villinger, Voigt, Wack, Wackenhuth, Wade, Wahlenmaier, Waldron, Walker, Wallace, Walter, Ward, Warner, Warren, Washburn, Watkins, Watts, Weaver, Weber, Webster, Weil, Weimer, Weinshank, Weldon, Weller, Wells, Werner, West, Westervelt, Westlake, Weston, Wheeler, Whitcomb, White, Wickersham, Wicks, Widney, Wilder, Wiley, Wilkinson, Willard, Williams, Willis, Wills, Wilson, Wing, Winston, Winter, Wise, Woldemann, Wolfskill, Wood, Woodward, Woodworth, Woody, Woollacott, Wooster, Workman, Worthington, Wright, Wyatt, Yeary, Young, Zobelein