The patterns that have emerged from recent attempts to use mathematics to discuss complex phenomena have led to the development of a new discipline- mathematical systems theory. This theory arises from models of the important interactions in real systems. Mathematicians, engineers, and technically-oriented administrators will find this new series-which describes in detail the latest views on real systems and the uses of formal systems-of great value. Four main areas are investigated in he first volume of the series: theory of finite automata in engineering systems; control systems; computer linguistics; and global principles concerning systems. Examples and applications are provided throughout this work. Contributors: Preston G. Hammer (Editor), Head, Computer Science Department, The Pennsylvania State University. Alan J. Perlis, Head, Computer Science Department, Case Institute of Technology, Former President, Association for Computing Machinery. M.D. Mesarovich, Director, Systems Research Institute, Case Institute of Technology, Editor, Journal of Mathematical Systems Theory. A.W. Wymore, Head, Systems Engineering Department, University of Arizona.

Binding: Hardcover

Label: Pennsylvania State Univ Pr

Manufacturer: Pennsylvania State Univ Pr

Publication Date: 1969-01-01

Publisher: Pennsylvania State Univ Pr

Studio: Pennsylvania State Univ Pr