coverWHEN SPRING COMES TO THE MOUNTAINSThe snow begins to melt, sending rivulets alone the forest floor to nourish crocusescolors. From the treetops, red-breasted robins trill and feisty bluejays hurl catcalls. A herd of elk allows a surprised horseback rider to join in an amble through the trees. All signs of springtime, a reawakening of life that bursts forth suddenly in the mountains like portfolioimmmjmmm*RED ROCK COUNT!RED ROCK COUNTRY"Sunset works its magic, bathing the red rocks of Sedona in mellow gold, flame red, and burnt orange. With a squeeze of the shutter release, I capture light from this one moment in all of eternity." museumTHE PIMA AIRAND SPACE MUSEUMIts hangars and fields exhibit 250 aircraft from a model of " the flimsy plane that made history at Kitty Hawk to the Blackbird, probably the fastes plane in history. But the real attraction of theguides, men and women who lived through *" World War II flying America's planes, keeping them in the air, and talking them down when they got into trouble.grounded now, these veterans lovingly preserve the history of their planes and share their stories.

  • Arizona Highways

Binding: Paperback

Edition: 5

  • Arizona Highways May 1999
  • vol 75, Number 5

Label: Arizona Highways

Manufacturer: Arizona Highways

Publication Date: 1999

Publisher: Arizona Highways

Studio: Arizona Highways