** Not for Sale to: AK, MT, ND, SD ( due to regulations )

Quali-Pro Oxadiazon 50 WSB
Pre-emergent Herbicide in Water Soluble Bags
Packed 2 x 1 lb bags

A pre-emergent herbicide that controls a variety of broadleaf weeds and annual grasses in commercial turf, nursery, and landscape applications.

Use Sites:  Nursery, Landscape, Turf, Golf Courses

Annual Grasses and Broad-leaf Weeds Controlled:
Annual sedge, Barnyardgrass, Carpetgrass, Crabgrass, Fall panicum, Goosegrass, Green foxtail, Ripgut bromegrass, Wild oats, Bittercress, Bristly oxtongue, Carpetweed, Cheeseweed, Common groundsel, Common purslane, Evening primrose, Fiddleneck, Fireweed, Florida pusley, Galinsoga, Golden ragwort, Lambsquarters, Liverwort, Oxalis, Pennsylvania smartweed, Petty spurge, Prostrate spurge, Redroot pigweed, Shepherdspurse, Speedwell, Sow thistle, Spotted catsear, Swinecress, Yellow woodsorrel.

Active Ingredients: 
Oxadiazon 50%

Read the label for complete application instructions

Read the label at - Quali-Pro

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American Pest Supplies is a seller of various products. American Pest Supplies does not warranty the safety or the effectiveness of any of the products listed on this website. Any warranty or guarantee of safety or purpose for any particular use lies solely with the manufacturer.

Pest Control Products always have a label attached and it is here by noted that for all purposes the label is the law and according to federal law the product label must be followed and that any pesticide product must be used according to the label directions.

Any advice or recommendations given by American Pest supplies or anyone representing American Pest Supplies will never be intended to take the place of the pesticide label.The pesticide label is the law and a legal document.  Always read and follow the label directions before using any pesticide product.

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