Hi ya'l, ... here's our plant thats in between Potato,Cucumber and Squash .......Parval (Triosanthes docia, pointed Potatoes)....though unlike these it is perennial vine...Parval, taste a bit like potato it is also known as green potato, pointed goud and has been proven to have very good antioxidant properties. This perennial vine produces fruit that contains carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin C and trace elements magnesium, potassium, sulphur, chlorine and copper, which are essential micronutrients for our bodies..... This vine which can be planted almost all year round, with higher yield than traditional plants..... There are separate male and female plants in this species, which are usually grown together...USDA hardiness zone 7-10 can be colder if you winterize with a good cover... an easy to grow vegetable..(a heirloom plant).......Thanks, Rob