Embracing Coincidence: Transforming Your Life Through Synchronicity by Carol Lynn Pearson, Hardcover

Like new. No markings. No creases. No signs of wear.


Same book, new title! Consider the Butterfly is now Embracing Coincidence.

At some point in our lives, we have all experienced synchronicities, those amazing coincidences that offer short glimpses into the backstage of lie, the hidden order of things.

Carol Lynn Pearson has for years kept track of the coincidences in her days, looking at them with a poet's eye for metaphor and meaning: a pan of "mama's cinnamon rolls" appears in the first shot of a movie just minutes after she and her sister reminisce on that favorite childhood food; a smiley face pops up on the computer screen during the writing of her daughter's funeral service; eight butterflies appear with an hour, not on the wing but in the word bringing a message of transformation and hope.

Learning the language of synchronicity can help each of us to more frequently access and recognize the wisdom of the divine. After reading Consider the Butterfly, you will never again see the events in your daily life as just events. You will start to see your name on messages sent special delivery, giving helpful clues on your own personal journey.

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