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South Carolina 

in the

 Civil War

This is the single largest collection of books about South Carolina in the Civil War available.  Rosters, Battles, Maps, Photographs, Illustrations, Historical and Biographical information.

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27 - Books on DVD

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A Confederate surgeon's letters to his wife by Spencer Glasgow Welch - (1911) - 137 pages

A Sketch of the Charleston Light Dragoons, from the earliest formation of the Corps by Edward Laight Wells - (1881) - 115 pages

A Sketch of the War Record of the Edisto rifles, 1861-1865 South Carolina Infantry by William Valmore Izlar - (1918) - 217 pages

Butler and his Cavalry in the War of Secession, 1861-1865 by Ulysses Robert Brooks - (1904) - 624 pages

Co. J, 4th South Carolina Infantry at the first battle of Manassas by B. B. Breazeale - (1917) - 38 pages

Company K, Fourteenth South Carolina Volunteers by Daniel Augustus Tompkins - (1895) - 41 pages

Declaration of the immediate causes which induce and justify the secession of South Carolina from the federal union ; and, The ordinance of secession. by the South Carolina Convention - (1857) - 21 pages

Diary of Battles, Marches and Incidents of the Seventh S.C. regiment by J.J. McDaniel - (1870) - 32 pages

History of the Fourth Regiment of South Carolina volunteers, from the commencement of the war until Lee's surrender. Giving a full account of all its movements, fights and hardships of all kinds. Also a very correct account of the travels and fights of the Army of northern Virginia ... This book is a copy of letters written in Virginia at the time by the author and sent home to his family ... With a short sketch of the life of the author by Jesse Walton Reid - (1896) - 156 pages

Journal of the Convention of the people of South Carolina by the South Carolina Convention - (1867) - 884 pages

Memoirs of the War of Secession by Johnson Hagwood - (1910) - 514 pages

Old Plantation Days; being recollections of southern life before the civil war (South Carolina) by Nancy Bostick De Saussure - (1909) - 136 pages

Principles and Maxims of the Art of War; outpost service; general instructions for battle; reviews by Gustave Toutant Beauregard - (1863) - 32 pages

Reminiscences of a Private, South Carolina Infantry 1st Regiment by Frank M. Mixson - (1910) - 146 pages

Rolls and Historical Sketch of the Tenth Regiment, So. Ca. Volunteers, in the army of the Confederate States by Cornelius Irvine Walker - (1881) - 150 pages

Rolls of the Washington light infantry in Confederate service by South Carolina Infantry Washington Light Infantry - (1888) - 24 pages

Sketches and Reminiscences, South Carolina Infantry Regiment 26th by Joshua Hilary Hudson - (1903) - 220 pages

South Carolina Women in the Confederacy by the United Daughters of the Confederacy South Carolina Division - (1903) - 442 pages

Tentative Roster of the Third regiment, South Carolina volunteers, Confederate States provisional army by Alexander Samuel Salley - (1908) - 146 pages

The Burning of Columbia, S.C. : a review of northern assertions and southern facts by Daniel Heyward Trezevant - (1866) - 40 pages

The Confederate Defense of Morris Island, Charleston Harbor, by the troops of South Carolina, Georgia, and North Carolina, in the late war between the states by Robert Cogdell Gilchrist - (1884) - 60 pages

The Contemplated Secession from the Federal Republic of North America, by the southern states by J. D.Johnston and D.L. Clark- (1860) - 16 pages

The Genesis of the Civil war: the story of Sumter, 1860-1861 by Samuel Wylie Crawford and R.K. Anaugi - (1887) - 526 pages

The History of a Brigade of South Carolinians, known first as "Gregg's" and subsequently as "McGowan's brigade by James Fitz Caldwell - (1866) - 256 pages

The Mission of South Carolina to Virginia by Christopher Gustavus Memminger - (1860) - 42 pages

Two Diaries from Middle St. John's, Berkeley, South Carolina, February-May, 1865 by Susan Ravenel Jervey - (1921) - 60 pages

War Songs of the South by William G. Shepperson - (1862) - 238 pages

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