The Wizard of Oz is based on Frank Baum's beloved classic tale about a young lady, Dorothy, and her adventures in the magical land of Oz. Dorothy originally wanted to run away, but she discovers that there is no place like home. She and her dog Toto meets Glenda, the Good Witch of the North, after her house falls on the Wicked Witch of the East, during a tornado storm. She also meets the Wicked Witch of the West who wants her sister's magic shoes. Glenda gives Dorothy the magic slippers and advises her to follow the yellow brick road all the way from Munchkin Land to the Emerald City. There is a powerful wizard there that maybe able to help her find her way home. Along the way she is joined by three new friends; the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and Cowardly Lion. Together they battle the evil witch and search for the things that they most desire. A wonderful gift for any fairy tale lover or nesting doll collector.
These images have hand painted backgrounds and highlights, and for certain elements, Golden Cockerel reproduces the original hand-painted artwork on printed vinyl and artfully applies them to the dolls. The artist paints and blends the two forms of artwork together into a unified piece. Then the dolls have multiple layers of non-toxic water-based lacquer applied. The designs are done at the Golden Cockerel art studio in St. Petersburg, Russia. The bottom of the largest doll gets stamped with Golden Cockerel's "Made in Russia" mark of quality, initialed by the artist, and dated like a true collectible.
* There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home... *
Size of the Largest Piece: 6 inches in height
The Nesting Set Includes: Five Story Scenes
Certified Child Friendly - This item is painted at the Golden Cockerel workshop (not cottage industry) with paints that we have certified as non-toxic through expensive 3rd party testing. Furthermore, the item does not have attachments (such as legs, fins, or ears, etc.) which might break off under stress and produce sharp edges. |
Please note that the smaller pieces can be very small. Please make sure your recipient is old enough and wise enough not to swallow the characters (around three and older). |