On the eve of their wedding, a Texas policeman and an insurance agent must uncover a murderer or forfeit chances for happiness. Traditional mystery set in 1980s Houston/Galveston area. Complications- a runaway princess bride, Japanese VIPs, Hollywood moviemakers staging murders, and a surprise acquittal of a serial killer.


354 pages 12 pt font Times New Roman, 6 by 9 inch paperback.



n 1972, Sally Monroe tells her twin brother, Buddy, farewell as he leaves for Vietnam. She walks back into her house, where her baby is, and is murdered. Her husband, Ted, and the baby are never seen again. Eleven years later, suspected serial killer Castroe Zopev disappears after he is acquitted of the murders of Sally Monroe, Yolanda Cardioxa, Donna Lewegz, and Jan Smith. Princess Joanna Scarparttie, an Italian actress, comes to Sand Waves, Texas's gated community, to escape her pending marriage to Sheik Abdul Mahlah and to be in a movie in the new studio. During one of the movie's scenes, Officer Plate and his fiancé, Daphne, plan to have an all-expense-paid wedding. The production of the movie and the wedding are put on hold after a police officer and another woman are murdered, and someone attacks Princess Joanna. Who assaulted Princess Joanna? Was this assault another murder attempt? Has Castroe Zopev returned to Sand Waves? Where are Ted and the baby? To solve these mysteries, get a copy of The Unknown Puppeteer by Deborah DR Kralich.

The author adequately demonstrated the difficulties investigators had when computer technology first came out, and most police departments did not have computers to assist them with their investigations. Each character is fully developed as their role is played out in the story. Princess Joanna is realistic as an impatient, spoiled, and temperamental royal. Daphne's insurance agent role mixed nicely with the rest of the plot. Multiple times, I thought I knew who the killer was, but then there would be another development, and I was unsure. It was easy to understand why emotional eyewitness testimony was unreliable. I appreciate that everything was recapped at the end of the book to confirm who the murderer(s) was and their motive. This book is the fourth one in the series about Police Officer Plate and Daphne, but it is unnecessary to read the prior books to read this one because each book is different.

I found nothing to dislike about this murder mystery. This well-written book flows smoothly and has been professionally edited. There was never a time when the story did not rivet me due to the suspense and mystery. I never had to refer to the "Cast of Characters" at the beginning of the book, as the characters were easy to follow, even though there was an Elisabeth and an Elizabeth.

The professional editing, positive aspects, and lack of negative aspects in this book make it deserve 5 out of 5 stars. Nothing in this suspenseful book justifies the removal of any stars, which is why I gave it a perfect score.


A killer stalks the wedding party! On the eve of their marriage, Lt. Plate and Daphne must uncover a ruthless murderer or forfeit their chance for happiness for all time. Their fledgling romance began as sparks during a flood, simmered within a scandal, and caught fire amidst a storm of anarchy. Now it would only be justice if Lt. Plate and Daphne could enjoy a long and stress free engagement, then sail away into the sunset after a quiet wedding… Not meant to be. A chance at a dream Hollywood style ceremony pushes up their nuptial calendar, which would be fine if Plate also did not have to tend to security for a runaway princess bride, a Japanese VIP also claiming royal ties, a prominent movie producer staging a murder in Sand Waves, and then the surprise acquittal of an East Texas serial killer who murders on land and sea. With half his fellow officers taking off for sailing trips on Galveston Bay, and the chief busy trying to learn the new computer technology of the 1980s, Plate is left with only Grant Skaar, the youngest member of the force, as backup. Still Plate is coping, and Daphne is selling all parties involved as much insurance as she can, when suddenly everything has to take a backseat to an unimaginable tragedy within the police department. Fourth in a series of featuring the descendant of a famous Texas lawman and the woman he loves. Not necessary to read the first three to fully enjoy this one.