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Passion Profit & Power
Original Retail at $219.95 at


You Receive a Convenient for Listening
Dual Audio Format of this great Seminar

6 Cassette Tapes + 6 Quality Backup CDs

Plus You Receive

the Handy Seminar Carry Case

 the Original Seminar Study Guide

Original MSRP - $219.95 – $ave a Bundle

  *   *   *   *   *   *   *

A subconscious reprogramming system to help you create the relationships, money and personal well-being that you deserve NOW!


“It’s not enough to learn, one must become.”  Marshall Sylver

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Session 1:

(PASSION - 7 Secrets for Hotter Relationships!)
(PASSION - More Secrets for Hotter Relationships!)

Session 2:

(PASSION - Turning on Your Personal Passion!)
(PASSION - Subconcious Reprogramming for Relationships!)

Sesson 3:

(PROFIT - Thinking Like a Millionaire)
(PROFIT - Claiming Your Share of Material Goodies)

Session 4:

(PROFIT - Inspiring Others to Give You What You Want)
(PROFIT - Subconcious Reprogramming For $$$)

Session 5:

(POWER - Controlling Your Destiny)
(POWER - Take Action Now!!!)

Session 6:
(POWER - The Four Steps To Total Power!)
(POWER - Subconcious Reprogramming for Total Power !)

  *   *   *   *   *   *   *

This subconscious training system will program you for outrageous success in these three key areas:

Passion is about relationships, both intimate and professional. When you learn the skills of passion you’ll learn to inspire your relationships to give you what you want. Master these RELATIONSHIP strategies:


Profit is financial and monetary gains. 1% of the populations control 50% of all the money. Learn their skills now to create more money, and more money, and more money!! Master these MONEY strategies:


Power is to learn to take immediate action. Using these skills, you will experience a greater sense of purpose, with more focus and drive than you have ever imagined! You’ll have more fun too! Master these ACTION strategies:

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Well-known educator and entertainer, Marshall Sylver, provides powerful information in these 12 sessions designed, to “give you the means and the strategies to start winning consistently and to give you the burning motivation to take charge of the three most important areas of your life: your relationships, your financial position and your personal power”. Learn the same personal development skills he has taught to corporate executives from numerous Fortune 500 companies. Subjects include “the single most important element in creating healthy relationships”, “the fast way to get back to love and agreement”, “the universal laws of money and financial abundance”, “how to immediately remove financial stress”, “the 3 keys to making more money in less time”, “the instant way to change any habit”, “the two key ingredients for instant motivation”, how to create laser-sharp focus”, “how to find your life interesting and deal with what emerges” and much more. Use this powerful system to program yourself for outrageous success in every area of life.

This program is known to be one of Marshall's best ever.
 Don't miss this opportunity to buy it at a huge discount!

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