This and all items in the coven category are special offers from coven members. I am an elder so I will bring items from my coven of elders. All will be in used condition and if I notice flaws I will tell you. If I miss something I apologize. We have been together for 10 years. I also from time to time go to visit other covens and belong to the Pagan Education network and other organizations that bring me in contact with many powerful witches! All of these items have been used in divination or rituals. They retain the power of the witches that wore them, the power of the circles we cast. And the spells we cast while in the circle. These are very powerful. Most items will also come with complete cleansing instructions so you can choose to retain their power and add yours or to cleanse them and make them yours only. I’m not sure where to start the price on sometimes so put in an offer, a decent offer please and we will see. Most offers are set to automatically decline or accept. None of these items will harm you in any way or have been used to harm any other!
Many blessings and happy buying
This cup has been USED FOR HEALING AND AS well as being used to empower others OVER THE YEARS.
This one is made as a water elemental and is spellcast to bring passions, Money, and desires!
Glass CHALICE seen on altar
By law all items are for entertainment purposes only. Must be 18. Not medical advice or in place of anything medical. . ALL SALES ARE FINAL. We have been doing this 27 years and put in LOTS of time and effort! If there is ever a problem contact us and we will find the issue as to why not working and fix it!. All listing are copyrighted and owned by APRS INC