Can be used to help support coughs, insomnia, stomach and intestinal disorders, joint pain and much more. - Take 1 capsule, 3 times daily, with meals. - The TerraVita Premium Collection uses only the finest, purest and most potent plant extracts from around the world. - The TerraVita Premium Collection is hallmarked by the highest possible standards of purity, potency, stability and freshness. Our highest possible standards are - Bugleweed - 450 mg (100 capsules, ZIN: 510976): Bugleweed can be used to help support an overactive thyroid gland (e.g. Morbus Basedow ) and associated symptoms, especially nervousness and heart palpitations. It can also be tried to help support mastodyrila (tension and pain in the breast). - Bugleweed - Lycopos europaeus L. - Family: Lamiaceae. - Other Names: Gypsywort; water horehound; pied-de-loup (French); Gemeiner Wolfstrapp (German); marrubio d'acqua (Italian); manta de lobo (Spanish). - Description: Bugleweed is an erect perennial her
Bugleweed - 450 mg (100 capsules, ZIN: 510976): Bugleweed can be used to help support an overactive thyroid gland (e.g. Morbus Basedow ) and associated symptoms, especially nervousness and heart palpitations. It can also be tried to help support mastodyrila (tension and pain in the breast). - Bugleweed - Lycopos europaeus L. - Family: Lamiaceae. - Other Names: Gypsywort; water horehound; pied-de-loup (French); Gemeiner Wolfstrapp (German); marrubio d'acqua (Italian); manta de lobo (Spa
Additional Details
Binding: Health and Beauty
EAN: 0064435109769